内容物:知識カード 59枚、見出しタイル 10枚、解明トークン 5個、導き手マーカー 1枚、文明創生ボード 1枚、発展トークン 61個、ヒビキのタネカード 5枚、コトバ付箋 5冊、文明記録メモ 1冊、ルールブック 2冊(カジュアル・エキスパート)
Hello, is it possible to buy the game with English stickers (same stickers they bring at conventions) ? If so, is this possible to buy it from Europe ?
A lot of people are looking for this game but there is no translation and no where to buy the game outside of Japan. See the video No Pun Included’s Best game award 2024. People would love to try it.
Thank you very much
As of now, the only way to purchase items with translated stickers is at conventions; they are not available for general sale.
Neijima Tohco will likely provide updates regarding future sales on this thread: